Sometimes the birth climate in the US saddens me. You know, there was a day and time when doctors told women that reading was bad for their health. They said that all the sitting and strain on the eyes was taxing on their bodies. In reality, it was an effort to stop women from becoming informed.
But this is 2009 and we have come a long way, baby.....or have we? The sign above would suggest we have not. This is an actual sign that appears in the Aspen Women's center in Provo, Utah.
It has been shown in many studies that doulas improve outcomes for mothers, not harm them. Yes, I am aware that there are a few doulas out there who argue with doctors, contradict them in front of their patients and come across as arrogant in the birth room. There are heavy handed people in every profession. But the majority of doulas are there for the mother.
The Bradley Method of childbirth is simply a matter of choice. For some couples, Bradley classes have made them able to face labor without fear and anxiety. Bradley is getting picked on, in my opinion. THere aren't too many childbirth education "brands" in the US currently that would agree that our current state of obstetrical care is stellar.
This is about rights. On the side of the doc, kudos for at least being honest and posting publicly in your office that you have no intention of allowing women to choose the care options that they feel are best for them personally. No one can say they weren't warned. But in googling this office, for every woman who rallied against this policy, there was another who raved about their care at this office. I also found out that one doctor in the practice proudly uses forceps in all of his vaginal deliveries claiming it makes birth easier for the mother. I think even most of his fellow OB's would disagree with that. See this link for the facts: http://www.efn.org/~djz/birth/betterbirth/7bottom.html#fore
Regrettably, here in Charlotte, I have come across this attitude among individual doctors and entire practices. The difference is that they tell their patients something very different. They vow their support and encouragement to the mother who seeks a natural birth experience.....until she goes past 40 weeks, or her fluid levels are slightly low, or her measurements are 1-2cm beyond her dates or the most popular by far....the ultrasound shows a BIG baby. See information about true reasons for induction and intervention here: http://www.lamaze.org/ChildbirthEducators/ResourcesforEducators/CarePracticePapers/LaborBeginsOnItsOwn/tabid/487/Default.aspx
If you are a woman seeking a natural birth experience, the responsibility has to be yours to educate yourself about your rights as well as the facts regarding medical protocols. I have seen too many women who had very strong resolve compromise when faced with scare tactics and inaccurate information. And steer clear of doctors who seem at all uncomfortable with your having a doula or tells you what childbirth education curriculum you should/should not use. This is an individual decision. And by all means....run from any doctor who refuses to accept a birth plan. YOU are the consumer. YOU pay the bill. The decision is YOURS.