I am often asked what books I would recommend for expecting and/or new moms. I thought this would be a great place to put my reading list!
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
*This book is filled with beautiful birth stories. I have gleaned many tips for helping with different issues in labor from this book. I also like the chapter on episiotomy.
The Complete Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by Sheila Kitzinger
* All of her books are incredible but this one has very factual and statistical information to make moms to be feel more confident when talking to their doctors about electronic fetal monitoring, induction of labor for a postdate pregnancy, ultrasound technology and many other common issues that come up at dr. visits. There are also WONDERFUL photographs of positions for labor and the developing pregnancy. I carry this book in my birth bag.
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer
* This book is exactly what the title implies. It empowers moms to be to think carefully about all options and make informed decisions.
Birthing From Within
* This is a wonderful book for everyone, but especially for the mom who has had a traumatic physical event in her life(abuse, surgery, etc) or a previous traumatic or unsatisfying birth experience.
Gentle Birth Choices
* This book usually comes with a DVD with BEAUTIFUL births on it. Contains a lot of facts and figures as well as encouragement and comfort.
The Happiest Baby on the Block
* Read this BEFORE the baby comes and save yourself MUCH grief! This book helps parents understand their baby's behavior and learn to cope in positive ways. Also gives the famous 5 things to soothe your crying baby! This book helped me finally get my baby to nap.....two words....white noise!
The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears(the son)
*Middle of the road, not to one extreme or the other facts and information about vaccines. Each vaccine is reviewed individually for it's purpose, side effects, efficacy, necessity and so forth. There is also a recommended alternative schedule for parent's who want to vaccinate, but not in keeping with the current guidlines.
The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley
*For mom's like me who couldn't have done the cry it out thing if you had paid me. Great information on all aspects of sleeping. This book saved my sanity....for real..... Again, recommended reading BEFORE the baby comes!