Thursday, August 28, 2008

The importance of self care.....

Becoming a doula means changing some things within yourself, if needed. As a doula, you take on the role of caring for others. But in that role, you realize that caring for yourself is necessary.

I have found lately that I honor my body with naps when it is possible and I feel that I need them. I found this to be of great benefit when I attended a very long labor last week(congrats Mike and Paula!) There will inevitably be nights when I miss an entire nights sleep, so it is important to take care of myself physically through nutrition, exercise and rest.

In other words, in becoming a doula, I realize more than ever that I must practice what I preach. When I tell expecting and new moms to take care of themselves, I remember that I must set the example. Because truly, if I do not give myself the benefit of self-care, then it is impossible to give energy and help to another without becoming depleted.
Expecting moms who have other children must be especially mindful of this. Even if it means napping WITH your younger ones, take that time for yourself. The housework will wait. And especially right after having a baby, you must resist that urge to "be productive" while the baby is sleeping and get some rest yourself. It is vital to your physical and emotional health. Many moms have fallen unexpectedly into post partum blues because of overdoing. During pregnancy is the time to begin the habit of self care....warm bubble baths, naps, sitting down with a good book, taking a prenatal yoga class.

Mothers are givers, but no one can give from a place that is empty. Fill your bank with some self pampering, healthy eating, adequate rest and moderate exercise and you'll have some extra energy to make it through those sleep-deprived nights.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Birth Withdrawl

So after a couple of births, I feel like I'm in withdrawl. It's been a couple of weeks and someone needs to have a baby in my presence! I just love the birth process.

I have met a few of the Charlotte doulas( and feel that our area is so blessed to have so many women comitted to the cause of journeying with women through their birth process. This area is highly technological and we score high in using lots of interventions in labor and birth. Hopefully, this little group of women can make a big difference in women's birth choices in Charlotte and surrounding.

Rock on doula friends.......